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Xu, Zhongnan and Joshi, Yogesh V. and Raman, Sumathy and Kitchin, John R., "Accurate Electronic and Chemical Properties of 3d Transition Metal Oxides Using a Calculated Linear Response {U} and a {DFT + U(V)} Method", The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142:144701 (2015)

  author =	 "Xu, Zhongnan and Joshi, Yogesh V. and Raman, Sumathy
and Kitchin, John R.",
  title =	 {Accurate Electronic and Chemical Properties of 3d
Transition Metal Oxides Using a Calculated Linear Response {U} and a
{DFT + U(V)} Method},
  journal =	 "The Journal of Chemical Physics",
  volume =	 142,
  number =	 14,
  pages =	 144701,
  year =	 2015,
  doi =		 {10.1063/1.4916823},
  url =
  eid =		 144701,
  keywords =	 {DESC0004031, c orgmode},

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